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The AMHA International Gamblers Choice Halter Class

Kaycee Lunde

The American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) International Gamblers Choice class is coming up on September 1 at the World show in Fort Worth, TX! Last year was it's first year and we would LOVE to have loads of international exhibitors in the ring again this year! This class gives international exhibitors a chance to show. We all put our names into a hat and get a horse by random draw at the gate to handle for the halter class. From what I gathered, exhibitors were to be judged on how they handled and showed the horse to its full potential (for never previously working with that horse). This is my story. My stallions versatility class was the class right before the International class!! I was sitting in the stands watching the placings while simultaneously getting called down to the loading gate. I got down to the gate and was a swirl of accents and different languages as everyone was preparing to go into the ring. I was handed Elizabeth's mare Madison to handle, a mare who I have closely followed throughout her show career! I was starstruck! Not only was I able to hug the mare (that I had always dreamed of hugging) (LOL) I was going to be handling her in a halter class.... in the arena under the bright Texas lights of the World show!!! The class flew by--- everyone watching the class was screaming and waving flags. I blacked out for a lot of it but I remember it was LOUD!! Then when we retired to the rail I found my spot by the DHTC crew. They called out the placings.. 10, 9, 8.. and eventually it came down to Reserve and Champion. They called the Reserve and I looked up at Madison's pit crew!! We were all screaming and cheering! We did it, we were the World Champions of the first International Halter class! Before this class, I didn't know Elizabeth (only from the AMHA Magazine), and Peas was an acquaintance of mine! Since then we have become good friends. What a blessing it was to handle this beautiful mare and make some incredible new friends. If you are an international member of AMHA (living in a country outside of the USA) please sign up for this amazing class on Friday September 1!!!! Its a wonderful opportunity not only to represent your country and pride of AMHA but to make new friends and improve your catch handling skills. :) Thank you so much to the organizers, committees, owners that donated the use of their horses for this class, exhibitors and enthusiastic crowd of the AMHA world show (and those watching on the livestream at home)!😍

Check out Madison's home on the web at Applecreek farm by clicking here! Ten L's Madison in the Buff owned by Applecreek Farm.

Until next time,


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